Switchroom installed at Water plant
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Client: Taswater
Location: Plenty, TAS
Market: Infrastructure
Capabilities: Design and Manufacture Transportable Switchroom

Scope of Work:

The Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is greater Hobart’s primary source of drinking water, providing an average 60 per cent of the water supply needs annually. The Bryn Estyn WTP Upgrade Project aims to expand the plant to ensure it can continue to provide high quality drinking water and meet projected demand for years to come. Trivantage Manufacturing with the principal contractor was engaged to design, manufacture and supply the HV Switchgear solution for their new HV Network. This included working closely in collaboration with the electrical principal and the end user to complete the monitoring and control of the HV Switchgear network. The scope of works included the supply of:

  • 1 x Transportable switchroom which included 11x Panels of 22kV withdrawable switchgear, 48Vdc battery charger with lithium batteries, light and power distribution board, remote switching panel, communication cabinet and network I/O panel.
  • 4 x 22/3.3kV 3000kVA Kiosk c/w 22kV RMU, Dry Type Transformer, 3.3kV Switchboard
  • 4 x 22/0.4kV 1500kVA Kiosk c/w 22kV RMU, Dry Type Transformer, 400V LV Switchboard
  • 2 x 22/0.4kV 3500kVA Kiosk c/w 22kV RMU, Dry Type Transformer, 400V LV Switchboard

All manufacturing was undertaken at our Victorian workshop. This project showcases Trivantage Manufacturing’s ability to deliver an end-to-end HV solution in-house, encompassing the design, manufacture, and supply of a wide range of switchgear and enclosures.

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